Well, the Jolly Troop few to Chicago to attend CHA last week, and they had a great time! I was over the moon excited to read my update from Craft Critique today...I couldn't believe that my brother's name was there in the post title! My brother told me about meeting Sarah Moore in line while getting lunch and I was thrilled to know that he met her! I have been a long time subscriber to Craft Critique and really enjoy the things they post!
I want to thank Sarah for posting a great little ditty about the Jolly Troop and about my brother...it makes a sister SO happy to see other people love this stuff!! I hope you'll flap on over to Craft Critique and then over to the Jolly Blog and check out all the excitement!
I'll be back with some fun soon...thanks for stopping by! Oh, and Cath, thanks so much for the shout out on Moxie Fab...that was a FUN surprise!!

lol I didn't know he was your brother! how fun! his designs we some of the freshest ive seen at CHA in a while... well deserved attention!
What a great world this is! Two lovely ladies that were friends already without me! I love it. Thank you for the kind expressions, Sarah!
Yahoo Dallas! So happy for him and everyone associated with Red Fred. Hope you're doing GREAT! Can't wait to come over and spend the night again. love your guts!
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