So, I started off with a Cosmo Cricket Black album. I love the shape of this album and wanted to keep the project with in the nice curvy lines of the album. I used some floral fabric to cover the bottom about half of the front cover. I tried to get a fun "frayed" look, so I picked and peeled little strings off the edges to create the look I was aiming for! I added a little strip of a black pom-pom ribbon detail. I just used sticky strip to hold it in perfect place! Have I told you recently that I LOVE sticky strip--or scor-tape? They are the BEST!

I used a rub-on, from SU, "Happiness Is:" for the title of this album. I wanted to have a fun and cute little place to record things that happen in a given day that are just pure happiness. I'm going to keep it near my bed so I can jot things down before they leave my brain! I'm using my white gel pen from SU for the writing inside the album.
Let me share a little happiness...tonight was my son's last soccer game(YEA!) of the season. He's had a great time playing and had a great time. Tonight it was FREEZING, it was only 45 degrees during the game! The opposing team had a really great kick and my son was watching the boy he was "guarding" and didn't see that freezing cold, hard as rock ball coming right for him. It hit him in the cheek and it hurt! So, he came out of the game and sat with me on the sidelines for a few. Here is where the happiness baby Ruby, who is 20 months old, came to my son and started hugging him...sharing her special blanket with him..and just laid her little head on his chest for as long as she could hold still! It was SO sweet!! She has such a sweet spot in her...completely delicious. Yes, she helped Myles feel better, it took his mind off the pounding in his cheek and made him smile and feel wonderful that she wanted to lay on him...and not me. It made this momma very happy...and that is what I want to remember! Thus, my Happiness Is: album.
Thanks so much for stopping by! I love hearing what you have to say and I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to stop by and share a few with me...thanks!! See you tomorrow! Make it a great one!

What a great project! So so so pretty, seriously!!!
Your story is so sweet too! I thought being the last day of soccer was the happy ending (that'd be my happy ending... hate being out in the cold, ha!) but what came after was just the sweetest thing. That's so sweet of her and reading that brought a huge smile on my face. Thanks for sharing the story with us!!!!
What a beautiful album, you are just so creative Jen! Thanks for sharing the story, kids are truly sweet at heart.
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