Tuesday, January 17, 2012

More CupCards To Go!

Hello dear ones! I feel like I should be saying "Merry Christmas!" We have been experiencing what my husband has termed, "Snow-magaden!" The weather people have been talking about a big snow storm...and we've been waiting! We've been holding our breath that we'd have some SNOW! My kids were really disappointed this morning while they learned that there would be school today--just delayed a couple of hours. Then, IT came! We've had a lot of really good snow today! The perfect sledding weather! So, I feel like it is finally really winter! My kids came in from playing with frozen little cheeks and couldn't stop chattering about how much fun they had...good times!!

I'd like to share a couple more Valentines with you! These are were made with my CupCards To Go Kit, Hugs and Kisses! I'm serious...I LOVED working with these products! Sonda does a wonderful job gathering up supplies, wouldn't you say!?!

I hope you had a great day! We learned tonight that there will be no school tomorrow...and the sky is full of beautiful flurries again tonight...I love it!! Take care and I'll see you back here tomorrow!!


cherry said...

HI Jen...love your cards..beautiful!!! This kit was so fun to play with. So glad to have you on the team, cherry

Annette Allen said...

aww don't you just love Valentines...I am loving all these hearts...great cards...all that snow sounds like fun...Love your new photo..so cute with the little birdie...